Flemar is cosy, but what's even cosier is sharing that warmth and happiness with others.
Our commitment to society
Because this cause is particularly close to our hearts, we are committed to promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities. This includes actively employing disabled individuals and donating Flemar slippers to wheelchair users. According to Statbel, only 24% of people with disabilities aged 15 to 64 in Belgium are employed, compared to 65% of the general population. Similar statistics are reported in France by Insee.

Your order will be handled by a person with a disability. For our shipments, we collaborate with a sheltered workshop, an organization dedicated to providing employment for people with disabilities. This ensures that every box is packed with care, passion, and warmth.

Nassim loves his Flemar slippers so much that he wanted to share the happiness. That's why we're offering a free pair of Flemars to anyone in a wheelchair.

The Flemars are full of energy, and we're always looking for ways to support disability projects. If you have an idea or initiative in mind, get in touch with us. We'd love to help, whether it’s spreading the word, offering our time, or lending a hand in any way we can.
Flemar is a greener way of life. Our commitment to sustainability stands out, especially in contrast to the environmental impact of fast fashion in the textile industry.

For every pair sold, a tree is planted in a reforestation project in the Piura region of Peru, in partnership with Resforest'Action. This initiative helps offset our carbon emissions, fights deforestation, and restores degraded land.

We’ve decided to do away with the tissue paper normally used to stuff the slippers. This reduces our waste, and honestly, what’s the point of adding extra padding when the slippers are already well-padded with soft wool?

The boxes containing the slippers are made from 90% recycled cardboard and printed with water-based inks, free from toxic chemicals.